What did you learn from last week’s sermon, “Saving Light” ?
Q1: What is God’s global intention?
Q2: Does anything surprise God?
Q3: Whom did we inherit our sinful nature from?
Q4: Why do we sin?
Q5: What is the best plan, method, or program for evangelism?
Q6: Where will you find the Apostle Paul’s fantastic example of evangelism in the Bible that we can use to share Jesus?
Sermon Summary & Answers
Faithful Evangelism is God’s global intention from the beginning. Nothing surprises God. He knew all along that man would fall into sin, and He’d planned all along to save sinners. We are sinners by nature, and we inherited that sinful nature from Adam. We all sin. We walk in darkness and are destined to eternal darkness (wrath: hell, the lake of fire).
“We are not sinners because we sin, we sin because we are sinners.”
Pastor Steve Wilson
However, there is good news – a saving light that penetrates that darkness. (John 1:1ff)
Evangelism is not a plan, method, or program to follow. Faithful EVANGELISM IS A PERSON – JESUS CHRIST AND HIM PROCLAIMED! We are to introduce people to Jesus Christ – the person and the work that He has accomplished. We have to tell them that there is a penetrating light into the darkness, and it saves people from the wrath of God. In 1 Corinthians 1:23, Paul (the evangelist of all evangelists) says, “We preach Christ…..[and what he did].” In 2 Corinthians 4:5, he repeats, “we do not preach ourselves, but Jesus Christ our Lord.” Colossians 1:28 says, “We proclaim Him.”
So, to help someone come to Christ, we have to introduce them to Christ. You would do it just like you might introduce a famous person to your friends – you’d be excited and tell them what the renowned person had accomplished for good in your life or other’s lives. Meet Connie. She’s the waitress that did the Heimlich maneuver on me and saved my life. Meet Jesus. He insisted on being beaten, stabbed, and nailed to a cross for all the horribly embarrassing sins I committed against the almighty, just, and wrathful God of the Universe. Now I will be found innocent when I get to court. FREE FOREVER! Here is where we get tempted to go on and on about what he’s done for us, but remember, STOP! Now is the time to preach Jesus, not me-sus. We do that with the Bible. Here is how the Apostle Paul divinely introduces us to the saving light of Jesus Christ.
- Colossians 1:13-14 – we are all trapped in sin, and sin requires payment. That payment is the first death on earth and then the second death in eternal hell – unless you believe in Jesus, repent of your sins, and He will be faithful to forgive you of your sins. He has already died to pay for the sin. He is our redeemer. Redemption means to buy back.
- Colossians 1:15-19 – all things are created by Him and for Him. Jesus is the image of the invisible God. He is God, very God. God takes His invisibility and clothes it in light and then clothes it in flesh – Jesus. Hebrews 1:3 – Jesus is the exact representation of God.
- Colossians 1:17 – He doesn’t just save us; he holds us. Psalm 37:3-23 tells us that we are involved in this “holding” because we (only believers) delight in knowing the path of righteousness. The Holy Spirit that Jesus sent helps us stay on that path. He sustains us. Some Christians might look at their lives and see a real sin mess going on, and they may ask, “what about me? Jesus isn’t helping me stay on the path.” Pastor Wilson says, “Start at verse 1 of Psalm 37 and figure it out.” Are you doing the things that are your part in the active involvement of your faith? If not, you have your answer. Nothing is broken in Christ.
- Colossians 1:19-22 tells us that we were once living breathing enemies of God, actually hostile to Him. Now we have peace with Him – the war is over. This is what Jesus does – He walks into the darkness to help you be at peace with your maker. God will see us as holy, blameless, and beyond reproach. Jesus takes His righteousness and clothes us. Jesus will tell God to count us as He counts Himself – perfectly righteous, and it will be done.
Jesus is the Gospel. Introduce people to Jesus. That’s doing evangelism. If you have been redeemed by His shed blood, then get equipped to share Jesus. Our elders are here to help us do that. We need to stay close to Jesus and His Gospel – He is our saving light.
Did you find this quiz and sermon summary helpful? Log on to gccbg.com/blog each week for the latest Q&A. Jessica will send the link out in the Midweek church emails. I’d love to hear your thoughts and suggestions. Please email me at thepew@gccbg.com.
- Evangelism
- No
- Adam
- Because we are sinners
- Just give them Jesus straight out of the Bible and tell them what He’s done.
- Colossians 1:15-23