What do you remember from the sermon “Our Need – His Power”?
- Who is the “them” in Luke 6:17?
a. The lepers
b. The Philistines
c. The twelve Apostles
d. The villagers - Who were the “large crowd of disciples” mentioned in Luke 6:17?
a. Second string Apostles
b. New converts to Christ
c. Those who followed Jesus, but not necessarily believers
d. All Gentiles - What did the crowd want that day from Jesus in Luke 6:17-19?
a. They wanted to hear Jesus
b. They wanted to be healed from diseases
c. They wanted to be cured of demons
d. All of the above - Christians are just ordinary vessels, unlike Jesus. Our primary work is ___________?
a. Tell the truth about the person and work of Christ
b. Memorize scripture
c. Invite people to Church
d. Tithe 10%
- c
- c
- d
- a