Views from the Pew: “Love in the Kingdom, Part 1” Quiz

What do you remember from the sermon “Love in the Kingdom, Part 1”?

  1. Does God love those who are evil and ungrateful?
    a. Yes
    b. No
  2. What will you be if you stand out on earth as having loved as God loves?
    a. abused on earth
    b. nothing
    c. rewarded in heaven
    d. applauded on earth
  3. In today’s contra-Christian culture, we see Romans 1 playing out and evil is even celebrated. What is the ultimate reason for this?
    a. The world hates Christians
    b. The world hates God
    c. The world is jealous of how well Christians are treated
    d. God doesn’t really care how those heathens behave
  4. Who is the only person that has the right to seek vengeance for harm done to others?
    a. Leaders of countries
    b. Heads of churches
    c. Family members of those harmed
    d. Only God in protecting His holy people
  5. Where is it commanded in the bible that you should love yourself?
    a. The Beautitudes
    b. The Ten Commandments
    c. Nowhere
    d. The Sermon on the Mount


  1. a
  2. c
  3. b
  4. d
  5. c

Views from the Pew: “Genuine Christianity, Part Four” Quiz

What do you remember from the sermon “Genuine Christianity, Part Four”?

  1. Jesus tells us who Christians are – Christians are poor in spirit (have nothing to offer God); they spend a lifetime hungering after Christ and weep over sin against God. What else identifies a Christian?
    a. They will be hated, insulted, and scorned
    b. They strive after happiness constantly
    c. They are genuinely joyful over being mistreated, as commanded by God, and this brings genuine peace to them
    d. Both a and c
  2. What kind of peace does the world want?
    a. No more hunger
    b. For everyone to love God
    c. Absence of all conflict
    d. Accepting everyone’s opinions and truths
  3. The Bible tells us Jesus didn’t come to bring peace but a sword to divide people, yet He is called the Prince of Peace. How can both be true?
    a. Jesus defines peace differently than the world
    b. They can’t both be true; a scribe made an error in translation
    c. The diving-people-part was said in the heat of the moment, and Jesus changed His mind back to wanting us all to get along
    d. None of the above
  4. What does it affirm if God gives a believer the grace to suffer through trouble and not a “fake-it-till-you-make-it” attitude?
    a. That they are true believers headed to heaven
    b. That they are fake believers
    c. That they are deluded
    d. Both b and c
  5. Hebrews 11 tells us how our spiritual forefathers lived with joy in suffering. How did they do that?
    a. They never expected to be better than poor, hungry, weeping, and hated
    b. Their eyes were so set on heaven that the suffering seemed small compared to the joy of heaven
    c. They mixed herbs with their wine
    d. Both a and b
  6. What is the true source of all quarrels and conflicts?
    a. Racism
    b. Sinful lusts in our hearts
    c. Ignorance of other’s needs
    d. Pride


  1. d
  2. c
  3. a
  4. a
  5. d
  6. b

Views from the Pew: “Genuine Christianity, Part Two” Quiz

What do you remember from the sermon “Genuine Christianity, Part Two”?

  1. A Christian does not pursue happiness in this temporal life. Happiness for a Christian comes from being poor in spirit and hungering for righteousness.
    a. True
    b. False
  2. In this sermon’s text (Luke 6:20-26), the word “blessed” means what?
    a. hopeful
    b. happy
    c. wealthy
    d. saved
  3. We don’t know all of the words Jesus spoke, but we know He always preached the message of “repent and believe.” This message also taught us what?
    a. Attributes to live by when we are saved
    b. Ethical lessons to gain salvation
    c. To examine ourselves and others to see if they are in the faith
    d. Both a and c
  4. Christians are insatiably hungry for righteousness, and our spirit groans for it. If we are incapable of achieving righteousness ourselves, how do we get to live in heaven with God?
    a. God gives us a free pass.
    b. We put on the righteousness of Christ, so God sees His Son instead of our sins.
    c. Other people can pray for us, and we will become righteous enough to gain entrance into heaven.
    d. We have to go to hell first and then God sees us as better than others and He lets us into heaven.
  5. In the Greek language, the word “righteousness” is a noun. What is its verb tense?
    a. Perfect
    b. Diligence
    d. Holiness
    c. Justify(ied)


  1. a
  2. b
  3. d
  4. b
  5. d

Views from the Pew: “Suffering Well” Quiz

What do you remember from the sermon “Suffering Well”?

  1. God gives us truths about suffering in the Bible. Which is an example of that?
    a. Portray a stiff upper lip – fake it til’ you make it
    b. God promises to protect you from suffering
    c. You didn’t cause it, so ignore it or blame Satan
    d. None of the above
  2. Christians are not to be surprised by suffering. You are either currently suffering, about to go into suffering, or just exiting suffering.
    a. True
    b. False
  3. Romans 5:3-4 tells us that suffering produces three things in a Christian that form us more closely into the image of God and give us peace. What are those three things?
    a. Endurance, ambition, focus
    b. Perseverance, character, love
    c. Perseverance, character, hope
    d. Character, endurance, longevity
  4. Suffering drives a Christian to what?
    a. Dependence on God
    b. Independence
    c. Madness
    d. None of the above
  5. Once news reached Job and his wife about the death of their ten children, he fell down and worshiped God anyway. What was his wife’s reaction?
    a. She killed herself
    b. She attacked Job
    c. She cursed Job
    d. She cursed God
  6. Suffering is about God’s worth and glory. Suffering strengthens God’s value to us.
    a. True
    b. False


  1. d
  2. a
  3. c
  4. a
  5. c
  6. a

Views from the Pew: “Suffering-Divinely Governed” Quiz

What do you remember from the sermon “Suffering-Divinely Governed?

  1. What represents the character of Job?
    a. Blameless and upright
    b. Beyond reproach
    c. He hates sin and strives for holiness
    d. All of the above
  2. Christians are the only ones who can have true comfort in this life amid suffering; knowing suffering always has a greater purpose – growing you and shaping you into the image of the one who suffered more: Jesus.
    a. True
    b. False
  3. The first chapter of Job and the fifth chapter of 1 Peter tell us that Satan roams our earth freely. Can Satan be anywhere and everywhere at one time (omnipresent)?
    a. Yes
    b. No
  4. Who governs suffering for believers?
    a. Satan
    b. God
    c. Man
    d. The Universe
  5. Can Satan do anything outside of what God wills to be done?
    a. Yes
    b. No
  6. Satan thought Job would hate God if he endured tremendous loss and suffering. What happened?
    a. Job fell down and worshipped God despite the tragedy
    b. Job smarted off to God and cursed Him
    c. Job begged God to fix the suffering
    d. Both b and c


  1. d
  2. a
  3. b
  4. b
  5. b
  6. a

Views from the Pew: “Genuine Christianity” Quiz

What do you remember from the sermon “Genuine Christianity”?

  1. Matthew’s rendition of The Sermon on the Mount reveals nine beatitudes (state of joy from being blessed). Luke’s rendition highlights what?
    a. The same nine blessings
    b. Six blessings
    c. Four blessings, four curses
    d. None of the above
  2. Who was the target audience of Jesus’ message in Luke 6:20-49?
    a. Holy Apostles 
    b. Curious Gentiles
    c. Learning Disciples
    d. Both b and c
  3. In our text, Jesus was speaking statements of fact with the power of divine authority as the Son of God. His wisdom was very distinct in character and purpose from human wisdom. Which is an example of that?
    a. The first shall be last
    b. The greatest will be the least
    c. Blessed are the poor
    d. All of the above
  4. What does it mean to be “poor in spirit?”
    a. To know that you are spiritually bankrupt with nothing to offer that might gain favor with God.
    b. You lack sufficient financial means.
    c. You are clinically depressed.
    d. You are sober.
  5. In verse 24, what does it mean to be “rich in spirit?”
    a. You are drunk.
    b. You are happy.
    c. You are rich.
    d. You are convinced you are worthy on your own merit to enter the kingdom of heaven.
  6. Who gets into heaven?
    a. The godless, unrighteous, unworthy
    b. The humiliated person that can’t improve their future
    c. The person who has nothing to offer Christ
    d. A person with the above attitudes that places their trust in Jesus


  1. c
  2. c
  3. d
  4. a
  5. d
  6. d

Views from the Pew: “Our Need – His Power” Quiz

What do you remember from the sermon “Our Need – His Power”?

  1. Who is the “them” in Luke 6:17?
    a. The lepers
    b. The Philistines
    c. The twelve Apostles
    d. The villagers
  2. Who were the “large crowd of disciples” mentioned in Luke 6:17?
    a. Second string Apostles
    b. New converts to Christ 
    c. Those who followed Jesus, but not necessarily believers
    d. All Gentiles
  3. What did the crowd want that day from Jesus in Luke 6:17-19?
    a. They wanted to hear Jesus
    b. They wanted to be healed from diseases
    c. They wanted to be cured of demons
    d. All of the above
  4. Christians are just ordinary vessels, unlike Jesus. Our primary work is ___________?
    a. Tell the truth about the person and work of Christ
    b. Memorize scripture
    c. Invite people to Church
    d. Tithe 10%


  1. c
  2. c
  3. d
  4. a

Views from the Pew: “Those Who Follow” Quiz

What do you remember from the sermon “Those Who Follow”?

  1. The elder who wants to lead and oversee ministry must be above ________?
    a. Reproach
    b. Perfection
    c. Everyone else
    d. None of these
  2. When choosing elders, we are to examine their moral character, family values, spiritual maturity, and reputation.
    a. True
    b. False
  3. Elders/Leaders are supposed to do what for their followers?
    a. Preach sermons that make the followers feel good
    b. Establish new rules for followers
    c. Watch over souls and give an account to God
    d. All of the above
  4. Followers are to do what in a joyful way?
    a. Obey and submit to the instruction from their leader
    b. Give the elder grief
    c. Nothing, the elders will do all the work
    d. None of these
  5. Followers who submit will benefit from the care leaders provide for their souls?
    a. True
    b. False
  6. On the sanctification journey of faith, what must followers have?
    a. Self-confidence
    b. Tennis shoes
    c. Those who keep watch or you will drift away
    d. None of the above
  7. The sheep/Christians recognize the voice of their shepherd who speaks with one voice with Christ and will follow him.
    a. True
    b. False


  1. a
  2. a
  3. c
  4. a
  5. a
  6. c
  7. a

Views from the Pew: “Elders” Quiz

What do you remember from the sermon “Elders”?

  1. Elders are to establish leadership, function, and order in a church, but what is their primary calling?
    a. Count the offering and lead music
    b. Do Biblical counseling and clean the Church
    c. A commitment to prayer and the Word
    d. Oversee Sunday school and fellowship time
  2. In Acts chapter 20, Paul says his last goodbyes. He tells the other elders to be on guard for wolves that would lead the Christians astray. He also tells them to do what?
    a. To be good shepherds over the people, be caring and gentle
    b. To focus hard on doctrine and use church discipline often
    c. To use musical instruments in singing the psalms
    d. To figure out a way to make women Elders
  3. 1 Thessalonians 4:10-12 gives us God’s plan for the Ordinary Call on the Ordinary Christian. What is that?
    a. Excel in your work
    b. Be ambitious
    c. Lead a quiet life
    d. All of the above
  4. Paul was sent out to preach to the Gentiles and to develop Christ’s Church. He was to unfold the “mystery.” What was the mystery?
    a. That angels get their wings on their twelfth birthday
    b. That the manifold wisdom of God would be made known through the church 
    c. That God was going to set the Jews aside for now until He could find 144,000 that were not jealous of Christians
    d. An explanation of John’s dream of the end-times
  5. Who is the author of thirteen books in the Bible? He is also called the Thirteenth Apostle.
    a. Gamaliel
    b. Stephen
    c. Peter
    d. Paul
  6. Jesus changed Saul’s name to Paul when He met him on the road to Damascus and converted him?
    a. True
    b. False


  1. c
  2. a
  3. d
  4. b
  5. d
  6. b