Pastor Steve starts off our next segment of Biblical Doctrine – Humanity and Sin – with session one, “Why did God create man?”
You can download the Student Notebook here.
Join us for Worship, Sundays at 9:30
Pastor Steve starts off our next segment of Biblical Doctrine – Humanity and Sin – with session one, “Why did God create man?”
You can download the Student Notebook here.
Immediately … Alistair Begg publishes a daily devotional at it is actually an edit of Charles Spurgeon’s Morning and Evening. He writes: “That fatal tomorrow is blood-red with the murder of good resolutions; it is the slaughterhouse of the innocents. We are very concerned that our little book of “Evening Readings” should not be fruitless, and therefore we pray that readers may not be readers only, but doers of the Word. The practice of truth is the fruit of profitable reading.” You can read the rest HERE – – and while you’re at it, subscribe to read it daily.
Her Name Is Monroe Christine (Parental Advisory – some graphic language) … Brandon McGinley writes a disturbing piece about Monroe: “Her name is Monroe Christine. She is twenty months old. She was born on television. Remember Monroe Christine when you hear words like “equality,” “autonomy,” and “identity.” Who is equal, and who is a symbol of someone else’s equality? Who is autonomous, and who is an expression of someone else’s autonomy? Who has an identity of his own, and who is an extension of someone else’s identity?
“Who is a person, and who is an accessory?
Who is an end, and who is a means?
Who is a girl, and who is a pet?
That is the question.”
You can read the rest HERE.
And here’s one concerning children with actual parents…
The Dangers of Distracted Parenting … Erika Christakis writes: “A mother telling kids to go out and play, a father saying he needs to concentrate on a chore for the next half hour—these are entirely reasonable responses to the competing demands of adult life. What’s going on today, however, is the rise of unpredictable care, governed by the beeps and enticements of smartphones. We seem to have stumbled into the worst model of parenting imaginable—always present physically, thereby blocking children’s autonomy, yet only fitfully present emotionally.” You can read the rest HERE.
This Weekend @ Grace: The Lord’s Day, March 13, 2016
@9:15 AM – Prelude to Worship
@9:30 AM – The Family in Worship
Hymns, Prayer, Praise, and Worship in the Word
This Sunday… The Exodus “The Lord, The Lord” Exodus 33:15-34:9 | Pastor Steve
@10:45 AM – The Family in Fellowship
A few minutes to build relationships… coffee and snacks served.
@11:15 AM – The Family in Discipleship
There’s a class for you! Nursery | Children | Jr. and Sr. High | Adults
@6:00 PM – The Theology Program
Ecclesiology & Eschatology: The Doctrine of the Church & End Times
This Sunday… “The Ministries of the Church: The Lord’s Supper” Session Six-B
You can download a Student Notebook from our Resources Page.
This Weekend @ Grace: The Lord’s Day, February 21, 2016
@9:15 AM – Prelude to Worship
@9:30 AM – The Family in Worship
Hymns, Prayer, Praise, and Worship in the Word
This Sunday… Sin at Sinai “No More Excuses” Exodus 32:15-24 | Pastor Steve
@10:45 AM – The Family in Fellowship
A few minutes to build relationships… coffee and snacks served.
@11:15 AM – The Family in Discipleship
There’s a class for you! Nursery | Children | Jr. and Sr. High | Adults | Baptism Class in the Library
@6:00 PM – The Theology Program
Ecclesiology & Eschatology: The Doctrine of the Church & End Times
This Sunday… “The Purpose of the Church” Session Four
You can download a Student Notebook from our Resources Page.
Facing a Task Unfinished
The classic hymn, “Facing a Task Unfinished,” was recently updated and released by Keith and Kristyn Getty – to empower today’s church for God’s global mission. The hymn reminds us that the God of our heroes moves through us today. Through prayer and dependence on His Spirit, we can take the life-saving message of the gospel to the lost. We can face the unfinished task of building God’s global church with confidence, no matter what obstacles are before us.
“Facing a task unfinished
That drives us to our knees
A need that, undiminished
Rebukes our slothful ease
We, who rejoice to know Thee
Renew before Thy throne
The solemn pledge we owe Thee
To go and make Thee known”
On February 21, 2016, churches around the world – including Grace Community Church of Bowling Green – will join together to sing this classic hymn in an event called: The Task Unfinished.
To learn more about the story behind the song, take the time to watch this video from Keith and Kristyn Getty. | Listen to “Facing a Task Unfinished” here.
Midweek @ Grace
Wednesday, February 17, 2016
@11:30 AM – Women’s Fellowship & Bible Study
This Week … “Submission, Part One” 1 Peter 2:13-25
Friday, February 19, 2016
@6:15 AM – Men’s Fellowship & Bible Study
The Gospel of Mark – – This Week … “Authority” Mark 11:27-33
Facing a Task Unfinished
The classic hymn, “Facing a Task Unfinished,” was recently updated and released by Keith and Kristyn Getty – to empower today’s church for God’s global mission. The hymn reminds us that the God of our heroes moves through us today. Through prayer and dependence on His Spirit, we can take the life-saving message of the gospel to the lost. We can face the unfinished task of building God’s global church with confidence, no matter what obstacles are before us.
“Facing a task unfinished
That drives us to our knees
A need that, undiminished
Rebukes our slothful ease
We, who rejoice to know Thee
Renew before Thy throne
The solemn pledge we owe Thee
To go and make Thee known”
On February 21, 2016, churches around the world – including Grace Community Church of Bowling Green – will join together to sing this classic hymn in an event called: The Task Unfinished.
To learn more about the story behind the song, take the time to watch this video from Keith and Kristyn Getty. | Listen to “Facing a Task Unfinished” here.
Coming Up @ Grace
Some men from Grace will be traveling to T4G in April; if you’d like to join them just call or email your interest to the Grace Office and we’ll sync you up.
Come together to remember the burning truths of the Reformation, apply its spirit of protest in our times, and take courage for life and ministry.
For more information, or to register, visit
This Weekend @ Grace: The Lord’s Day, February 14, 2016
@9:15 AM – Prelude to Worship
@9:30 AM – The Family in Worship
Hymns, Prayer, Praise, and Worship in the Word
This Sunday… Sin at Sinai “The Anatomy of Intercession, Part Three” Exodus 32:7-14 | Pastor Steve
@10:45 AM – The Family in Fellowship
A few minutes to build relationships… coffee and snacks served.
@11:15 AM – The Family in Discipleship
There’s a class for you! Nursery | Children | Jr. and Sr. High | Adults
@6:00 PM – The Theology Program
Ecclesiology & Eschatology: The Doctrine of the Church & End Times
This Sunday… “The Purpose of the Church” Session Four
You can download a Student Notebook from our Resources Page.
Local Outreach
Hospice of Southern Kentucky – Candy Drive
Help us as we help Hospice with this year’s Kid’s Candy Store … Please consider donating bags of individually wrapped candies!
You can drop off the candy at the Grace Office anytime through Wednesday, February 17th. If you have any questions, please call the office: 270-781-2595
This Weekend @ Grace: The Lord’s Day, February 7, 2016
@9:15 AM – Prelude to Worship
@9:30 AM – The Family in Worship
Hymns, Prayer, Praise, and Worship in the Word
This Sunday… Sin at Sinai “The Anatomy of Intercession, Part Two” Exodus 32:7-14 | Pastor Steve
@10:45 AM – The Family in Fellowship
A few minutes to build relationships… coffee and snacks served.
@11:15 AM – The Family in Discipleship
There’s a class for you! Nursery | Children | Jr. and Sr. High | Adults
The Theology Program is dismissed.
Local Outreach
Hospice of Southern Kentucky – Candy Drive
Help us as we help Hospice with this year’s Kid’s Candy Store … Please consider donating bags of individually wrapped candies!
You can drop off the candy at the Grace Office anytime through Wednesday, February 17th. If you have any questions, please call the office: 270-781-2595