SUNDAY EVENING: Martin Luther – The Reformation Begins

Martin Luther stands above all the great Reformers of history. His 95 Theses nailed to the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg sent shock waves throughout Christendom. He was borne along by a conviction drawn directly from the pages of Scripture: salvation comes to the sinner, not by his own works, but by faith alone in the completed work and perfect righteousness of Christ.


This Weekend @ Grace

The Lord’s Day, January 15, 2017
@9:30 AM – The Family in Worship
Hymns, Prayer, Praise, and Worship in the Word
This Sunday… The Miracle Worker “Witnesses”John 5:30-40 | Pastor Steve
@10:45 AM – The Family in Fellowship
A few minutes to build relationships… coffee and snacks served.
@11:15 AM – The Family in Discipleship
There’s a class for you! Nursery | Children | Jr. and Sr. High | Adults
@6:00 PM – Evening Study & Fellowship
Nursery provided (through age 3), supervised movie time for age 4+.
On the menu this week: Spaghetti and SaladHere are the songs we’ll be singing on Sunday, January 15th. Click the links to listen and prepare for Sunday.

“Come, People of the Risen King”Keith & Kristyn Getty

“He Will Hold Me Fast”Hymns of Grace #388

“Jesus, Keep Me Near the Cross”The Baptist Hymnal #233

“Speak, O Lord”The Baptist Hymnal #432


This Weekend @ Grace

This Weekend @ Grace: The Lord’s Day, March 6, 2016

@9:15 AM – Prelude to Worship

@9:30 AM – The Family in Worship

Hymns, Prayer, Praise, and Worship in the Word


This Sunday… Sin at Sinai “If God Isn’t There” Exodus 33:1-11 | Pastor Steve

@10:45 AM – The Family in Fellowship

A few minutes to build relationships… coffee and snacks served.

@11:15 AM – The Family in Discipleship

There’s a class for you! Nursery | Children | Jr. and Sr. High | Adults | Baptism Class in the Library


@6:00 PM – The Theology Program

Ecclesiology & Eschatology: The Doctrine of the Church & End Times

This Sunday… “The Ministries of the Church – Baptism” Session Six

You can download a Student Notebook from our Resources Page.

Volume 1 | Issue 33

Thursday Thoughts 1




Volume 1 | Issue 33 – January 28, 2016

Pastor Steve shares these links to stimulate some Thursday Thoughts…

This week’s thoughts come from some of my favorite authors – David, Solomon, and Paul. One cannot question their individual gifts in scripting profound thought – but one must quickly affirm their giftedness originates with the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, under whose mighty influence they all penned their prose.

Lead Me In Your Righteousness … David expresses an utter dependence on God’s leading in His life. But this demands discernment. He realizes that he needs God’s clear truth: “Lead me, O Lord, in your righteousness…make your way straight before me.” And he realizes, at the same time, the competition for his attention that the liars offer: “For there is no truth in their mouth; their inmost self is destruction; their throat is an open grave; they flatter with their tongue.” May we realize our Guide, discern truth, and avoid the deceptions around us. You can read the rest HERE.

Wisdom or Folly … Like his father, Solomon pursued a trustworthy source of truth for daily living. And he also realized the challenge of discernment. He contrasts: “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is insight”, with “The woman Folly is loud, she is seductive and knows nothing.” You can read the rest HERE.

The Wisdom of God … Not to be outdone by His Old Testament predecessors, Paul takes up the inspired pen to offer the same contrast of God’s wisdom with man’s wisdom. He writes: “Where is the one who is wise? Where is the scribe? … Has not God made foolish the wisdom of the world?” You can read the rest HERE.

Winter Weather Policy/Dismissals

Winter Weather Policy: If Warren County Public Schools are dismissed on any Wednesday or Friday, all Grace Ministries will be dismissed as well.  If necessary, Sunday evening dismissals will be communicated to the fellowship on Sunday morning.  It is not our practice to dismiss Sunday morning worship.

Women’s Fellowship & Bible Study is dismissed on Wednesday, January 20, 2016.

You can also find updates on WBKO’s Polar Report.

Volume 1 | Issue 21

Thursday Thoughts 1




Volume 1 | Issue 21 – September 17, 2015

Pastor Steve shares these links to stimulate some Thursday Thoughts…

Helping an Unfinished Husband … Elizabeth Wann at Desiring God has a helpful article for wives and their vital role as helper. She writes: “Being a helper means we need God-given discernment to know when to encourage, when to graciously confront, and when to be silent and pray. When we fulfill the role of helper in marriage, it can be the catalyst for change in our husbands, so that they can live and lead like Christ. The role of helper is as much or more spiritual and emotional as it is physical.” You can read the rest HERE.

Spiritual Disciplines Aren’t Legalism … Over at the Unlocking the Bible blog – the matter of discipline and legalism is confronted: “Don’t let the fear of legalism rob you of the benefits of a regular pattern of walking with God.” You can read the rest HERE.

A Calvinist Evangelist … Oxymoron? … Keith Mathison at Ligonier writes: “The fact of the matter is that Calvinism is not inconsistent with evangelism; it is only inconsistent with certain evangelistic methods. It is inconsistent, for example, with the emotionally manipulative methods created by revivalists such as Charles Finney. But these manipulative methods are themselves inconsistent with Scripture, so it is no fault to reject them. In order for evangelism to be pleasing to God, it must be consistent with the whole system of biblical teaching. But what does such evangelism look like?” You should read the rest HERE.


Midweek @ Grace

Midweek @ Grace
April 7-11, 2015 – GRACE FAMILY WEEK – All Midweek Ministries are dismissed.

Coming Up @ Grace
The Testimony of Baptism – Join us as we celebrate God’s grace in the lives of Lauren Taylor and Rachael Fugate. Sunday, April 12, 2:00 PM at Greenwood Baptist Church.  

The Vine Cookout – All Jr. and Sr. High students are invited to a cookout on Saturday, April 18, 3:00-6:00 PM at the home of Eddie & Carol Dickerson (860 Mandarin Avenue, Bowling Green, KY 42104). Please RSVP to Eddie & Carol / 727-417-5165 (Eddie), 727-417-5029 (Carol) or Nathan & Rachel Ross / 270-999-2451 (Nathan), 270-999-2040 (Rachel)  and sign up to bring a side dish!