Awana Children’s Ministry
Volunteer & Leadership Meeting
Wednesday, August 8, 6:00 pm
Living in a postmodern world is forcing challenges on Christians and Christian families that a generation ago were not so evident. The church finds itself reeling from a constant barrage of attacks that no longer focus on Christianity vs. other truth … but now focus on whether there is such a thing as truth. In these times it is all the more essential that we are equipped to “earnestly contend for the faith”; a defense of truth.
It is that equipping that shapes the foundation of our ministry to children. We want to plant the truth of God’s Word deep into their thinking even as we work to train them in the veracity of its truth-claims. Our context for this is Awana Ministry.
Two things you will want to know:
1. This year our Awana ministry will expand its impact. Wednesday evenings at Grace will center around this vital training ground for children. The essential elements of Awana will be there – Energetic Games, Individual Bible Study/Disciplines, and Group Instruction. Awana knows these as Game Time, Handbook Time, and Counsel Time. The Counsel Time in 2012-2013 will introduce the children to the metanarrative of the Bible; the grand theme of redemption.
- Creation
- Fall
- Promise
- Identity
- Prophecy
- Provision
- Commission
- Commitment
- Completion
2. This year we need YOU! The expanded vision for ministry to children expands the need for Volunteers and Leaders. From Jr. High Students to Senior Saints – there is a spot for you to plug in. Come find your place!