Morning Prayer on the Lord’s Day

Good morning to the Fellowship at Grace,

I was greeted this morning by a note left to me by my daughter: “I’m sorry you don’t get to do what you love on Sunday mornings. I hope you are still happy.”

In various degrees we all can find ourselves at the center of that message – our church family isn’t getting to do what we love on Sunday mornings; the worship together which brings us all joy.

As you know we won’t assemble today at Grace – but we can still gather around God’s Word by joining with Grace Community Church of California through their livestream at 12:30 PM (Central Time). Pastor John MacArthur will be offering a biblical perspective on the current crisis and together we will benefit from his instruction.

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As you wake this morning – perhaps around the breakfast table – this prayer might be joined to your own:

O Lord God, You are our Governor, Savior, Preserver and coming Judge. In this day of uncertainty, quiet our souls to call upon Your name.

We’ve been distanced by a disease. Distanced from our ordinary means of grace through the preaching of the Word, the fellowship of the saints, and the remembrance of our Lord in communion. All of this was to be our joy this weekend and now is distant; having been invaded by the weakness of the flesh and by our love for our neighbors. We are convinced this comes from Your hand and will work for Your glory – but the space in our lives now is awkward, uncomfortable, and a challenge to our spirit.

Again, we ask, quiet our souls. Still our minds. Grant us peace in spirit. Distance us from the influence of the flesh and of the senses. Impress us with the power of faith; promote us in spiritual meditation. Position us to render service and ministry that is acceptable to You and useful for our family, friends, and community.

Show us our danger, that we may fly to You for refuge.

Make us sensible of our sin – the eternal disease which inflicts us all. Grant us through this sensibility to value most highly the good Physician. Grant that we would cling to the cross, that it may slay the enemy of our hearts.
Help us to be watchful over our ways and diligent over our minds and hearts. When we slack, revive us. When we loiter over despair, quicken us to joy. When we go astray, restore us by Your grace.
May we be rich in faith, strong in faith, live by faith, and walk by faith, thereby experiencing the joys of faith, to do the work of faith, and rest in the hope of faith.
We perceive nothing of merit in ourselves, but find in the Savior our true value, our wisdom, righteousness, sanctification and redemption.

To Him be glory, forever and ever. Amen.

Grace and Peace,

Steve Wilson