Thursday Thoughts: Vol 2 | Is 25

Pastor Steve shares these links to stimulate some Thursday Thoughts…

This week, three posts from Grace To You on worship in the local church, by Jeremiah Johnson.

The Truth About Worship … Jeremiah writes: “Put simply, the truth about worship is that it is not about us or even up to us; God-honoring worship must be focused on His truth. Regardless of the emotions it dredges up or the excitement it creates, much of what passes for worship today is nothing more than entertainment. If the heart of the worshiper is not grounded in the truth of Scripture, it’s not worship.” You can read the rest HERE.

The Spirit of Worship … Jeremiah writes: “True worship is the response of your heart to the truth of God’s Word. It encompasses your thoughts and emotions as you reflect on the character and nature of God, the Person and work of Christ, and the sanctifying ministry of the Holy Spirit. It’s your spirit’s response to the love of God and the countless ways it is displayed throughout His creation.” You can read the rest HERE.

Five Keys to Biblical Worship … Jeremiah writes: “Ultimately, the thing that most frequently impedes our worship is ourselves. We will never give proper attention and praise to the Lord if we can’t get our eyes off of ourselves and our selfish desires. Biblical worship requires us to shed the cares of this world and the innate selfishness we all naturally possess, and surrender our hearts, minds, and affections to the Lord.” You can read the rest HERE.