Thursday Thoughts: Vol 3 | Is 14

Pastor Steve shares these links to stimulate some Thursday Thoughts…

Double the Trouble if You Ignore the Context … Alan Shlemon at Stand to Reason writes of the importance of context when you read your Bible: “When you ignore the context, then, you are ignoring the information the author is giving you to tell you what he’s talking about. If you don’t know what he’s talking about, then it’s possible to misunderstand what he means. If you misunderstand the author’s intended meaning, then you’re misunderstanding what God is trying to tell you.” You can read the rest HERE.

God Put You on the Pale Blue Dot … Tony Reinke reminds you why your small life is not meaningless: “There is meaning and purpose to life, when we look beyond the pale blue dot and see the Creator of the whole cosmos, and he moves it toward a glorious fulfillment that will bring the entire host of stars in the firmament to the praise of his glorious name. So “praise him, sun and moon, praise him, all you shining stars!” You can read the rest HERE.

Imagine There’s No Hell … you’ll have to imagine, because the truth tells a different story. Nick Batzig write: “If we are to faithfully herald the love of Christ which passes knowledge, we must faithfully and compassionately herald the wrath of God which passes comprehension. We don’t help anyone see their need for the eternal life and blessedness that comes to us by faith alone in Christ alone, if we deny, downplay or disregard the reality of eternal death and destruction that we deserve on account of our sin. Far from being judgmental or selfish, preaching about eternal punishment in order to magnify the grace and mercy of God in Christ crucified and risen is the most loving, compassionate and God-honoring thing a minister can do.” You can read the rest HERE.