Pastor Steve shares these links to stimulate some Thursday Thoughts…
Is Hospitality Your Mentality … Jen Oshman writes: “People in our neighborhood come home at night and pull into their garage, close the door, and disappear inside. Many of us see our homes as our refuge; our oasis; our fortress of solitude. Rather than opening and sharing our homes, the current American Dream is that each family member has his or her own room, their own screen, and their own bathroom. The typical American home built in the 1950s was 1,700 square feet, while in 2017 it was 2,600 square feet. Our homes are larger and nicer—but there is less life within.” You can read the rest HERE — and you should open your home this week, and every week!
10 Things You Should Know About Church Membership … Sam Storms writes a helpful post about an important matter for every Christian: “Perhaps the best place to begin is by asking the question: What do you want from your local church? I assume, first of all, that you want a local church where you can be known and loved and cared for by other Christians. There is, after all, no such thing as an “anonymous-lone-ranger-Christian” in the NT. You can certainly remain anonymous if you want to. It’s easier to do in a church of several thousand where you can slip in on a Sunday morning and sit along the wall and never engage anyone in fellowship or conversation or accountability. So, yes, you can do that if you want. But why would you want to?” You can read the rest HERE.
Men, God’s Control, and Self-Control … David Prince, Pastor, Ashland Avenue Baptist Church in Lexington writes: “25-years of counseling has led me to realize that many people spend 95 percent of their energy focusing on things they cannot control and 5 percent of their energy focused on the things they can control. A major key to living with joy, contentment, productivity, and as an effective leader is found in reversing those percentages. My coaches growing up always told me to focus my energy on the things I can control and it is a lesson that has helped me well beyond my playing days. Self-control is the ability to pursue the important over the impulsive and is an indispensable ingredient of biblical manhood.” You can read the rest HERE.