The Children’s Ministry of Grace Community Church exists to exalt God’s glory through evangelizing our children while encouraging parents and edifying servants. The greatest need children have is to know God, the One, True and Living God, known by His revelation of Himself, the Holy Scriptures. By the faithful teaching and instruction of God’s Word, our purpose is to establish them in truth with a strong doctrinal foundation so they will be biblically grounded with a God-centered view of life and the world around them. We want them to come to love the Lord their God with all their heart.
To read our complete Philosophy of Children’s Ministry, please click here.
Our Children’s Classes meet during our 2nd Hour Discipleship on Sunday mornings…
- 1 & 2 years
- Preschool & Kindergarten
- 1-3 Grade
- 4-6 Grade
These groups are taught using The Generations of Grace material.