Philosophy of Missions
Grace Community Church is committed to the call of God that His love be expressed through our mission endeavors; carrying the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the nations, so that His name might be exalted among all His people. Our commitment is a reflection of obedience to the command of our Lord Jesus Christ to “go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation” (Mark 16:15).
Our Four Guiding Principles:
1. Spiritual Integrity
We will only partner with missions (missionaries, mission endeavor, etc.) who demonstrate in their leadership the character and qualifications required of men in positions of spiritual leadership (1 Timothy 3:1-7). Missions must not be excluded from the ordinary demands of spiritual integrity that God presses on those who would lead among His people.
2. Doctrinal Harmony
We will only partner with missions (missionaries, mission endeavor, etc.) whose doctrinal position is in full harmony with Grace Community Church. Like-mindedness in ministry is an essential for gospel expansion (Acts 2:46, Philippians 1:27).
3. Local-church Centeredness
We will only partner with missions (missionaries, mission endeavor, etc.) whose passion and vision is the work of planting and/or revitalizing indigenous, nationally-led (local pastor led) churches. We will give great care to examine the integrity of any mission’s local-church centeredness.
4. Relational Development
It is our intention to partner with missions (missionaries, mission endeavor, etc.) with whom we have an established, growing relationship or with those who have a desire to develop and maintain a strong relationship with us as a sending and/or supporting church.
Our Current Missions & Outreach Endeavors
Worship for the World – Shimabala Hills, Zambia
In 2017, we joined Kafue Reformed Baptist Church in planting a new church in Shimabala Hills, Zambia. Last year, we were privileged to host Pastor Dube and Pastor Godfrey here in Bowling Green. Shortly following their visit, the Elders at Grace determined to establish a fixed level of support for Shimabala Hills Baptist Church to allow Pastor Dube to have adequate support for him and his family. Our commitment is a fixed support of $2,025 quarterly that is funded by your General Budget giving.
The Center for Pregnancy
The Center for Pregnancy provides pregnancy tests, ultrasounds, consultation, and support for expectant mothers and fathers. All of their services are free of charge, and fueled by the hope of the gospel and sharing the love of Christ. We are happy to partner with the Center through periodic Change for Change campaigns, diaper drives, and through volunteer support. If you’d like more information about volunteering at the Center or at the new Thrift Store – or how to become a Monthly Donor, email
PROJECT GRACE exist to help those in the church who have home renovation, landscaping, or other projects that they are unable to complete or need help completing. PROJECT GRACE also helps with large projects on the church campus. If you have a project for the team, reach out to Brent Wimpee through the Grace Office: 270-495-1016.