Wednesday, June 8, 2011
@6:00 – Small Group Discipleship (Nursery provided, infant to 2 yrs)
3 & 4 year olds – Cubbies
K thru 5th Grade – Grace Training
Jr. & Sr. High – The Vine: Continuing their study on The Sovereignty of God.
Sojourners (Young Adults & Families) & GraceLife (Adults) continuing their study…
“Considerations of the Profound Reality of God’s Sovereignty”
We will be working alongside the book, The Sovereignty of God, by A.W. Pink.
If you have not picked up a copy of the book, and you would like one, bound copies (which includes Study Guide and Audio Guide Excerpts download) are available at the Church Office for $10.75
Kindle Version (which does NOT include Study Guide) is available on for $0.99.
@7:00 – Grace Fellowship
@7:30 – Grace Family Prayer (No nursery provided)