The Lord’s Day, Sunday, February 13, 2011
@9:15 – Prelude to Worship
@9:30 – The Family in Worship
Commissioned to Change the World
We will continue our series: “Essential Marks of the Highly Effective Church”
This series from Acts will focus on those elements of the early church that God used to expand the kingdom in the first century.
This series will include Seven Essential Marks:
“Learning” “Care”
“Fellowship” “Worship”
“Communion” “Evangelism”
This week: “Worship” / Acts 2:43-47 – Pastor Steve
@11:00 – The Family in Fellowship
@11:15 – The Family in Discipleship
@6:00 – The Vine
Jr. and Sr. High Students, join us for a time of worship, discipleship and fellowship.
This week: “The Church is God’s Persevering Community” / Ephesians 6:10-23 – Pastor Craig