The Lord’s Day, December 28, 2014
@9:15 AM – Prelude to Worship
@9:30 AM – The Family in Worship
Hymns, Prayer, Praise and Worship in the Word
“The Delight – Bringing Glory to God in 2015” Romans 15:8-13 | Pastor Steve
@11:00 AM – The Family Fellowship
A few minutes to build relationships … coffee and snacks served
2nd Hour Discipleship Classes are dismissed.
Renovation Update
- Chairs are “ON ORDER” and should arrive around the second week of February
- Kitchen and upstairs lobby demo (extending common space into the garage area) will be STEP ONE in the process
- Footing/framing for the new front façade/entrance will follow shortly after
- Weekly worship on Lord’s Day mornings will continue uninterrupted
- ENTRANCE and EXIT will only be through breezeway doors (right and left)
- Baby and toddler nurseries will be located in Suite 6
- Second hour discipleship classes will not meet during remodel
Thanks to those who came out to “clear the way” on Monday – – your many hands made light work for all.
Remember: please continue to be considerate of the morning crowd size, our guests, and those who might arrive late, by sitting in the forward rows and filling the seats closest to the center aisle. Your kindness is noticed and appreciated.