The Lord’s Day, April 26, 2015
@9:15 AM – Prelude to Worship
@9:30 AM – The Family in Worship
Hymns, Prayer, Praise and Worship in the Word
This Sunday…
The Happy Privilege, Sometimes Frightening Challenge, And Always Present Responsibility of Sharing the Christian Faith
Evangelism and Me “Older Men” Titus 2:2 | Pastor Steve
We will also share in communion at the Lord’s Table.
@11:00 AM – The Family in Fellowship
A few minutes to build relationships and tour our newly renovated kitchen, lobby, and classroom areas… coffee and snacks served.
@11:15 AM – The Family in Discipleship
There’s a class for you! Nursery | Children | Jr. & Sr. High | Young Adults | Adults
@6:00 PM – The Theology Program
Bibliology & Hermeneutics, Session Ten: “Historical-Grammatical Hermeneutics”