Volume 1 | Issue 5

Thursday Thoughts 1




Volume 1 | Issue 5 – May 7, 2015

Pastor Steve shares these links to stimulate some Thursday Thoughts…

What It Says That We Gather – Christians should never pursue assembly together on the Lord’s Day (or other) out of mere habit or tradition; there is great blessing to be found in the glad fellowship of the saints. But there is also a message being sent. Justin Taylor at The Gospel Coalition writes: “The very fact that we’re here—that on a Sunday morning, one of the few times that the city’s streets are quiet and even the steady hum of consumption and production gets a bit quieter, here we find people streaming into a space to gather for worship of the triune God. Singles and families, seniors and toddlers, make the effort to gather together at an appointed time not of their choosing.” You can read the rest HERE.

Happy Fear – So what are you afraid of? David Murray considers what it means to be afraid of God. He writes: “The old Scottish pastor, Thomas Boston, highlighted the word “always” in this text and said: ‘This fear must be our habitual and constant work.[It] should season all we do, and be with us in all times, cases, conditions, places, and companies.’” You can read the rest HERE.

How to Wake Up – This is something we do every day; wake up. David Murray borrows from Matthew Henry who offers some good advice for starting each day with prayer. He writes: “1) The morning is the first part of the day, and it is fit that He that is the first should have the first and be first served. 2) In the morning we are fresh and lively, and in the right frame due to our spirits being refreshed by sleep.” You can read the rest of the list HERE.


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