Pastor Steve shares these links to stimulate some Thursday Thoughts…
Learning to See the Glory in the Frustration of Parenting … Dustin Coleman writes: “Parenting is hard. And though I long for the days when everyone can eat, go to the bathroom, and get dressed all by themselves, I know that older years will bring a whole new set of challenges. And yet, by the grace of God, we can not only survive these years, we can thrive in them. We just need to have the right perspective.” You can read the rest HERE.
Christian Hospitality is Radically Different from Southern Hospitality … Lindsey Carlson interviewed Rosaria Butterfield about the importance and impact of hospitality: “Before Rosaria Butterfield became a popular Christian author, she was a tenured professor at Syracuse University, a lesbian feminist fighting to advance the cause of LGBTQ equality, and an unlikely convert. In 1999, her life intersected with the gospel of Jesus Christ through a friend’s radically ordinary hospitality.” You can read the rest HERE.
What About Divorce and Abuse? … We considered this question in our recent Q&A’s – here is Denny Burk’s thoughts: “In my 2013 book on sexual ethics, I argue that “abused spouses should separate from abusive situations in order to protect themselves and their children”. That separation is a necessity for the safety and welfare of the family. An abusive spouse has made choices that force a separation, and the abuse therefore can become tantamount to desertion. That is why I conclude that when the abuser “leaves” the marriage in this way, the exception for desertion comes into play (1 Cor. 7:15). In any case, the victim must be protected and the abuser sanctioned” You can read the rest HERE.