Like countless other grandparents before, Cristie and I waited for months anticipating the birth of our first grandson. On Monday evening that wait ended with the birth of Grayson Alexander Kinsey (an 8lb., 3oz. strawberry blonde, blue eyed boy) – born to our son Cameron and his wife Lexi. But only hours later, after the reality of a weak heart made breathing a challenge too great to meet – Grayson died. One word has pressed its way into my mind this morning: WITHOUT.
Without taking a step, Grayson walked into our hearts and expanded our capacity to love, and to hurt, and to hope; to feel.
Without saying a word, Grayson drove us deep into the truth of Scripture and declared a God who knows, a God who cares, a God whose plans are not our own; plans far better than our own.
Without reaching out a hand, Grayson touched us, and warmed us, and reminded us of the beauty and fragility of life; showing us God’s great gift.
Without a smile, he brought joy.
Without a cry, he brought tears.
In just a few hours we are certain he was without sin – but equally certain as a child of man he was not without guilt. Yet, God’s Word leads us to believe he did not die without hope. A hope that comes from the source of all hope; the reality of God’s grace afforded through His Son, our Savior, Jesus Christ. While we are without full understanding of how; we are without doubt confident that Grayson is kept by the very grace that keeps all of us who believe in Him.
Without ever climbing, or reaching, or striving; Grayson made his parents proud.
Without ever falling, or scratching, or bruising; Grayson drove them to trust in God’s catching, God’s mending, and God’s healing most of all.
Without ever knowing it, Grayson wrote this letter on my heart. Without crayon or paper, he scribbled truth that is timeless – it is God who gives life, numbers our days, and measures eternity.
And now you have read his letter. By that, he has walked into your life, spoken into your ears, reached out and touched you, and warmed you, and reminded you. He has, I pray, brought you some joy – and some tears. He has declared the hope of God’s amazing grace. He has urged you to rest in God’s arms, trust in God’s Son, and realize God’s promise of everlasting life.
Had he lived a hundred years it is hard to think how his life could have made more difference; all without living one full day.
Thanks for all your prayers, notes, and words of encouragement.
God’s grace to you all – – without a doubt, without measure, without end.
Steve and Cristie, and Family
Grief is a strong emotion. You’ve shared a portion of yours so eloquently and with great authenticity. Thank you for sharing this deep grief in your heart with not only your church but als with your family. I will be praying for you all. So thankful to God for the comfort He provides as you struggle with legitimate questions. Thankful that He regards our humanness. Grateful this Christmas season reminds us how great His love is for us. Thankful that He will reunite us all in His presence, wiping away every tear com our eyes. Oh what a glorious and joyous day that will be.
I love you, Steve.
Thanks for sharing this Steve. There is not a scripture I could quote you haven’t already heard or advice I could give you you don’t already know. I will just tell you this. I love you Brother.
Words are not adequate right now to express the sorrow I feel for you and your wife, son and daughter in law! I know the depth of grief all are feeling right now for I lost my newborn son Jason Eric in 1977 and then again in May 2015 we lost our son kevin. I will keep all in my prayers daily during this most difficult time.
God bless,
Gossett family
I am saddened to hear about your family’s loss as i read your letter Pastor i share in your loss as though he was mine! It has renewed my daily strength in God!
Love the Adams Family.
Praying for you all.
(Diana Adams’ friend)
Dear Pastor,
Thank you for sharing. I share very keenly in the sorrow that you, your wife, your son and daughter-in-law are experiencing.
I have no adequate words to express the depth of grief which you must feel, but I have chosen a verse of scripture for you all to think about.
“Fear not, for I am with you;
be not dismayed, for I am
your God,I will strengthen you,
yes, I will help you with my
righteous right hand.”
Isaiah 41:10
Bless you,
Elsie Rempel