Pastor Steve shares these links to stimulate some Thursday Thoughts…
Three Throwback Thoughts from 2016 Grace to You Blog on the Christ of Christmas
Christ’s Supremacy Before the Manger … John MacArthur writes: “What do you think about when you see a nativity scene? We might recognize the baby in the manger as God in flesh. But seeing Christ as a helpless and vulnerable infant can delude us into thinking that the humility of the incarnation was not isolated to His physical form—that somehow, His deity was also diminished.” You can read the rest HERE.
The Incarnate Image of God … John writes: “This season you may find yourself standing with others to admire a manger scene. Perhaps you can ask the person next to you, “Do you know who that baby is—who He really is?”” You can read the rest HERE.
The Forever-Exalted Christ … John writes: “We shouldn’t be deceived by the size and seeming vulnerability of the baby in the manger. Jesus Christ is the creator and ruler of the entire universe—and His incarnation didn’t alter that. Even in His infancy, He was supreme to everything else, in every possible way.” You can read the rest HERE.