Pastor Steve shares these links to stimulate some Thursday Thoughts
Here are 3 From Wilson – Jared Wilson, who writes at For the Church (
A Baby, Yet Omnipresent … Jared writes: “Every year at this time as we celebrate the birth of baby Jesus to the virgin Mary, I don’t suppose it occurs to too many merrymakers that what they’re really celebrating is the Incarnation. All of the other miracles are in service of that central miracle: God became man.” You can read the rest HERE.
Whenever God Does a Mighty Work … Jared shares from Charles Spurgeon: “Men who were once drunkards now meet for prayer, and people after hearing one sermon will not go until the minister has preached another, and sometimes a third; and at last he is obliged to say: “You must go, I am exhausted.” Then they will break up into groups in their streets and in their houses, crying out to God to let this mighty work spread, that sinners may be converted unto him. “Well,” says one, “we cannot believe it.” Very likely you cannot, but some of us can, for we have heard it with our ears, and our fathers have told us the mighty works that God did in their days, and we are prepared to believe that God can do the same works now. I must here remark again, in all these old stories there is one very plain feature. Whenever God has done a mighty work it has been by some very insignificant instrument.” You can read the rest HERE.
Worshiping a Golden Calf on Sunday Morning is Deceptively Easy … I would add this nuance to Jared’s thoughts – it is never more easy than at Christmas. Jared writes: “The implication for our churches is huge. On Sundays, our sanctuaries fill with people seeking worship, and not one person comes in set to neutral. We must take great care, then, not to assume that even in our religious environments, where we put the Scriptures under so many noses, that it is Jesus the exalted Christ who is being worshiped.” You can read the rest HERE.