Pastor Steve shares these links to stimulate some Thursday Thoughts…

“Our Attempts to Relax are Seriously Stressing Us Out” – I mentioned this article in my message on Sunday and thought I’d share it here. Tony Crabbe writes about productivity, multi-tasking and rest. He writes: “What has transformed beyond recognition are not the psychological pressures we face at work, but those that we bring upon ourselves when we’re supposedly trying to relax. In a culture obsessed with achievement and stimulation, we’ve lost sight of what leisure is supposed to do for us. It’s time to regain the lost art of leisure and savor it. We would do well to remember the advice of Ralph Waldo Emerson: “Guard well your spare moments,” he wrote. “They are like uncut diamonds. Discard them and their value will never be known. Improve them and they will become the brightest gems in a useful life.”” You can read the rest HERE.

“You Might Be Next” – Dr. Albert Mohler writes an important reflection on ‘The Agonizing Ordeal of Eugene Peterson’ regarding his public comments concerning homosexuality and same-sex marriage. Mohler writes: “First, there is nowhere to hide. Every pastor, every Christian leader, every author  — even every believer — will have to answer the question. The question cannot simply be about same-sex marriage. The question is about whether or not the believer is willing to declare and defend God’s revealed plan for human sexuality and gender as clearly revealed in the Bible.” You should read the rest HERE.

And one for the tongue … “This is Why Gossip is the Most Unacceptable Sin” – Nicholas Davis at CCC Discover exposes most of us with this article on gossip. He writes: “We should be more eager to cover up our neighbor’s blemishes than to publish their sins and faults to the rest of the world. The world does this in many different ways, but Christians are called to something much higher. God does not like gossip, even if it is tolerated in some of our churches as an acceptable sin. We should try to give our neighbors the best reputation possible, even if they are not worthy of it.” You can read the rest HERE.