Thursday Thoughts: Vol 2 | Is 30

Pastor Steve shares these links to stimulate some Thursday Thoughts…

“Don’t Leave Your Husband For Her” … Rosaria Butterfield offers some timely counsel to help battle an assault on marriage that is increasingly threatening. She writes: “Sitting across from me at the kitchen table this afternoon, you poured out your heart. When you married your high school sweetheart at 19, you never once suspected you would be in this place. Now, at 39, after twenty years of marriage, you call yourself gay.” You should read the rest HERE.

“10 Things You Should Know About Pride and Humility From Jonathan Edwards” … Sam Storms shares this important insight from the great mind of Edwards (best read with some strong coffee!): “The truly humble person attributes his conviction to the greatness of the cause of his conviction, not to his own sensibility of sin. “That man is under great convictions, whose conviction is great in proportion to his sin. But no man that is truly under great convictions, thinks his conviction great in proportion to his sin. For if he does, ’tis a certain sign that he inwardly thinks his sins small. And if that be the case, that is a certain evidence that his conviction is small. And this, by the way, is the main reason, that persons when under a work of humiliation, are not sensible of it, in the time of it” Go ahead and read the rest HERE.

Shopping Tips … It’s time to look for that certain gift for that certain person, and that can be a challenge. How about a couple of sites with some neat and novel items: MISSIONAL WEAR – this year’s newest items are focused on the Reformation at 500. Check out their journals, tumblers, mugs and apparel HERE. And then, UGMONK – I’ve enjoyed watching this young man’s design talents grow into a thriving business. From clothing, to workspace organization, to bags, wallets, and prints, there is something for several on your list HERE. Take the time to read ABOUT UGMONK and some of the posts in their JOURNAL.