Midweek @ Grace
Wednesday, September 17, 2014
@11:30 AM – Women’s Fellowship & Bible Study
Women of the Word ~ Trusting, Reading and Applying the Bible
Lesson One: “Let the Bible Speak of God”
@6:00 PM – The Restoration Movement: The History & Heresy of the Churches of Christ
@7:15 PM – Choir Rehearsal
Friday, September 19, 2014
@6:15 AM – Men’s Fellowship & Bible Study
The Gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God – A Study of Mark
Lesson Two: “Mark 1:1-8”
Resources @ Grace
Adult Discipleship Classes – This Week’s Lesson: Atonement Thread, Session Eight: “The Sign of Jonah” If you would like to download a PDF copy of this week’s lesson, please visit our Resources Page.
Pastor Steve Recommends
Small Churches
“I think this should be the attitude of every member and every leader: If our church does not grow at all, God grant that it be despite our best and unceasing efforts and most earnest and continual prayers — and not ever greeted with smug complacency.” You can read the rest HERE.
Condemning Patriarchalism
Some of you won’t recognize the name “Patriarchalism”, let alone what it represents. Most in the Home-School movement likely have some context. I am very encouraged that many from within that movement are taking positive steps and confronting the dangerous issues of Patriarchalism. Home-schooling needs this correction so that it can continue to be a viable, legitimate and effective option for educating our children. In this article, from the Home School Legal Defense Association (HSLDA) chairman, Michael Farris, the abuses stemming from the teachings of Bill Gothard and Doug Phillips are exposed and some corrective action is suggested. “Frankly, we should have spoken up sooner. How much sooner is hard to say. There is a subtle difference between teaching that we simply disagree with and teaching that is truly dangerous. While we did not directly promote their teachings using our own resources, we did allow Vision Forum to buy ad space to promote their products and ideas. We were wrong to do so. And we regret it.” You should read the rest HERE.
The Abuses of the Patriarchy Movement
Thomas Umstattd, Jr. joins with Farris and adds some additional insight that is helpful. “I often hear moderate Muslims say “Islam is not a violent religion because it teaches peace.” My response is not to get into Muslim doctrine and debate what the Koran does and does not say. You can derive the practical doctrine from the fruit. It is true that most Muslims are not violent. But the non-violent Muslim majority does little to stop the violent minority. Where there is smoke there is fire. Where you find Islam you find violence. As it is with Islam so it is with Patriarchy. Where you find Patriarchy you find abuse. The Patriarchy movement has sheltered, hidden and protected abusive parents for years. It gives abusive and controlling men moral and even biblical legitimacy for their abuses.” You can read the entire article HERE.