Midweek @ Grace

Midweek @ Grace
Wednesday, January 21, 2015
@11:30 AM – Women’s Fellowship & Bible Study
Women of the Word ~ Trusting, Reading and Applying the Bible
This Week: “Count It All Joy!”  James 1:2-4

@7:00 PM – Choir Rehearsal

Friday, January 23, 2015
@6:15 AM – Men’s Fellowship & Bible Study
The Gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God – A Study of Mark
This Week: “Protection” Mark 4:35-41

Pardon Our Progress

  • The electrical contractors have had a busy week installing rough-ins for all the lighting and media demands in the remodeled areas.
  • The front entrance is now under construction (see attached pic) … this weekend you can look for the simple elevation rendering in the lobby to get an idea of the finished look.
  • By this time next week the drywall will be “hanging”.
  • And, back outside, the soffit and fascia and guttering installation is underway.


  • VOLUNTEER LABOR … the time is nearing where we get to invest some labor toward finishing a couple of areas. They aren’t yet scheduled, but I hope you’ll be ready to respond where your time and skills will allow. The office will be the clearing house for your response with an intention to help. When the time comes – – you’ll just respond to the office and the Project Coordinators will follow up and schedule the work.
    • Painting – exterior brick. Of course, this will await a weather window that will allow this work to begin.
    • Painting – interior. Some paint crews will be assembled – various days and day-parts will likely be available. This is finish work, so some painting skills will be required. Watch for the details soon.
    • Flooring – Stuart Yule will be supervising the installation of our new wooden flooring (a prefinished hardwood). Some competent labor hands will be essential to seeing this project to completion. Like all of the volunteer opportunities – as details emerge you’ll know.
    • Cabinetry – Jeff Dennis has engineered our cabinet layout and construction (which will happen onsite). He will be looking for some capable hands (light skills needed) to assist him from start to finish of the cabinets for the new kitchen.
  • Entrances will continue to be through the breezeway during construction – parking might be impacted as the new entrance work begins – feel free to use the grass when weather permits.
  • Nursery remains in Suite 6 – thanks for helping us make this work!
  • No Second Hour ministries this week.
  • Thanks for responding to the Theology Nursery need … seems we have that covered for now — but if you’re interested in a backup or fill-in spot, just let the office know.


Remember: please continue to be considerate of the morning crowd size, our guests, and those who might arrive late, by sitting in the forward rows and filling the seats closest to the center aisle. Your kindness is noticed and appreciated.

Pastor Steve Recommends
Are You Free? This is some really good stuff from Jen Wilkin. She writes: “I grew up in the Bible Belt where, by mid-elementary, most of the kids in my peer group could point proudly to a note written in the front of their Bibles announcing the exact date they Got Saved. At junior high youth rallies the Rededications began, along with a smattering of I-Thought-I-Was-Saved-But-I-Really-Wasn’t’s (scribble over that first date and write in the new one). Through all seven verses of “Just As I Am”, and all four years of high school, we children of the Bible Belt battled our doubts and bustled our backslidden selves down aisles to altar rails. Maybe, we thought, this time just maybe the Saving will stick.” You should read the rest HERE.

Dad, Look! Trevin Wax over at the Gospel Coalition writes: “Due to the busyness of our lifestyles, I hate to admit that sometimes I’ve treated ”look at this!” or “look what I made!” like a distraction, an intrusion into my adult world. I’ve gotten away with giving my kids a passing glance, a quick word (“That’s neat!”), before going back to whatever it was I was focused on. I’ve been missing out. Our kids aren’t intruding. They’re inviting.” You can read the rest HERE.


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