Volume 1 | Issue 7

Thursday Thoughts 1




Volume 1 | Issue 7 – May 28, 2015

Pastor Steve shares these links to stimulate some Thursday Thoughts…

Some Fun With Coffee … This is light-hearted fun that will likely bring a smile or two. “All about that coffee, ‘bout that coffee (no tea)”. A couple of my favorites: Calvinist Coffee: It doesn’t wake you up, it gives you life. – – – Arminius Coffee: Partially roasted for you to perfect. You can read the rest HERE.

They’re Watching You … A gem from Spurgeon: “The world is the black dog that wakes up Christ’s slumbering sheep; ay, and that sometimes hunts them into the fold when otherwise they would be wandering upon the mountains. Expect to be watched, professor. In the day when thou sayest, “I will go outside the camp to follow Christ,” expect to be misrepresented. Expect that the dogs of this world will bark at thee. They always bark at a stranger, and if you are a stranger and a foreigner, they must bark at you.” You can read the rest HERE.

The Good in Gaming? … Douglas Wilson has written an interesting article on video games. He writes: “Now I have dedicated a good part of my life to the proposition that the old liberal arts curriculum is worth preserving and saving, and hence our efforts in restoring classical Christian education. But I am doing this, not because the kids today are stupid, but rather because they are being robbed. They are very smart, but they are being educated as though they were idiot savants. While test scores that measure our educational system have been going consistently down, IQ tests, which are measuring something else, have been going consistently up. It is called the Flynn effect, indicating something else entirely, and I am convinced that video games are part of it.” You can read the rest HERE.

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