Volume 1 | Issue 22 – September 24, 2015
Pastor Steve shares these links to stimulate some Thursday Thoughts…
A Glass Half Full – – One thing is certain, if you would apply biblical counsel to a person struggling with life, it must include hope. But this isn’t always easy for us. Tim Lane writes: “When you start to take a good look at your life, what is your tendency? Is it to think more highly of yourself or to beat yourself up? You are either blind so that you don’t see your sins and weaknesses, or you are preoccupied with your weaknesses, failures and sins so that you can’t see God’s present grace in your life.” You can read the rest HERE.
Evangelicals and Catholics – Are We Together? – – The Pope’s visit to the United States and the seemingly excited embrace from all corners of both the secular and religious world demands a fresh look at Rome’s teaching. This free resource from Ligonier and Dr. R. C. Sproul is a must read for anyone seeking the truth about Rome’s doctrine. Sproul writes: “At the moment the Roman Catholic Church condemned the biblical doctrine of justification by faith alone, she denied the gospel and ceased to be a legitimate church, regardless of all the rest of her affirmations of Christian orthodoxy. To embrace her as an authentic church while she continues to repudiate the biblical doctrine of salvation is a fatal attribution. We’re living in a time where theological conflict is considered politically incorrect, but to declare peace when there is no peace is to betray the heart and soul of the gospel.” You really should download the free e-book HERE.
The Man Who Got No Whammies! – – This journalistic piece from PRICEONOMICS exposes the dangerous pursuit of personal gain at any cost. It traces the journey of Michael Larson and his calculated attempt to “analyze” his way to riches by finding the weakness in a very popular TV Game Show. A seeming success only ends in a life of constant tragedy. There is an important lesson here for the Christian who is always looking for “easy money” instead of God’s preferred “ambition to lead a quiet life and attend to your own business and work with your hands” (1 Thessalonians 4:11). You can read the story HERE.