To the Fellowship at Grace,
It is imperative that we have a Special Family Meeting this Sunday, May 3, during our Second Hour. We urge you to make your attendance a top priority.
Events of recent weeks have exposed a threat to the gospel that we preach, by which we are saved, and in which we stand – and we want to be certain that you are informed of the threat, understand its scope and a right reaction to it.
Your prayers for the elders at Grace are earnestly sought – that we might exercise faithful biblical discernment and godly wisdom in our handling of this important issue. We are confident in God’s grace and the power of the gospel to withstand any assault. May He find us faithful to our charge as your shepherds.
The Elders at Grace
The Lord’s Day, May 3, 2015
@9:15 AM – Prelude to Worship
@9:30 AM – The Family in Worship
Hymns, Prayer, Praise and Worship in the Word
This Sunday… “Of God and Country” Romans 13:1-7 | Pastor Steve
@11:00 AM – The Family in Fellowship
A few minutes to build relationships and tour our newly renovated kitchen, lobby, and classroom areas… coffee and snacks served.
@11:15 AM – Special Family Meeting